Tax Law Eyed in Sex Harassment Fight
Tax Obligation Legislation Eyed in Sex Harassment Fight

< iframe width="480" elevation="320" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen >< img style="float: left; margin:0 5px 5px 0;" src=""/ > New York City Autonomous Rep. Carolyn Maloney is presenting new legislation to deal with sex-related harrasment in the workplace by forbiding firms from using the price of sex-related harassment settlements to decrease their tax obligations. (Dec. 18). Subscribe for even more Breaking Information: Obtain updates and even more Damaging News here: The Associated Press is the important worldwide news network, supplying quick, objective information from every corner of the world to all media systems and also formats. AP's commitment to independent, thorough journalism has deep roots. Established in 1846, AP has covered all the major information occasions of the previous 165 years, providing high-quality, educated coverage of everything from wars and also elections to national championship and imperial wedding celebrations. AP is the biggest as well as most relied on source of independent news and details. Today, AP utilizes the most up to date modern technology to accumulate and disperse material - we have everyday uploads covering the most recent as well as damaging information worldwide of politics, sporting activity as well as home entertainment. Join us in a discussion about globe events, the newsgathering procedure or whatever element of the information world you locate interesting or vital. Subscribe: